I practice an eclectic approach in my psychotherapy and counseling practice as I do not strictly adhere to any one theoretical perspective or theory. Rather I am guided by a number of current treatment modalities. This approach identifies goals according to social, emotional, cognitive, spiritual and physical aspects. An individual treatment plan is specifically created for each individual. Thus my work is individualized and flexible. The strength of this approach is being able to see each person as a unique individual with his/her own unique story. The types of treatment approaches that I typically use are:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavior therapy combines cognitive psychotherapy with behavior strategies. The cognitive model maintains that people’s emotions and behaviors are influenced by their perceptions of events. It is not the situation by itself that determines what people feel but rather the meaning that we give to the situation. By changing our perception and meaning of a situation we can alter our emotions or behavior. The goal of CBT is to challenge and reframe the beliefs or attitudes that interfere with functioning and to change the behaviors in real life to be consistent with a new belief structure.
CBT is an effective treatment for major depression, anxiety and addictions.
Psychodynamic Therapy
Psychodynamic therapy encompasses a range of brief to long term psychotherapeutic interventions. Some of these psychotherapies focus on developmental or attachment difficulties resulting in problems of self esteem, psychological cohesiveness, and emotional self-regulation. The goals of psychodynamic therapy are often not immediate symptom relief but to modify underlying psychological conflicts which increase a client’s vulnerability to anxiety, depression, stress, lowered self esteem or somatic disorders.
Psychodynamic therapy is useful in all treatment approaches as a method of identifying and resolving underlying conflicts. It is especially useful as a way of conceptualizing and treating personality disorders.
Clinical Hypnosis
Clinical Hypnosis is defined as a state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention. By understanding what is important to the client, personal likes and dislikes, and specific needs and goals the hypnotherapist will encourage the use of imagination, offer suggestions, and guide the individual to explore their inner landscape to encourage a connection with self that is both profound and productive. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on the physiology and cognitive/emotional state in a powerful way that can impact how the person feels in the world and in relation to others, and help facilitate growth towards goals.
Hypnosis may be used for unconscious exploration, to better understand underlying motivations or identify whether past events or experiences are associated with the development of problems. It is useful in the treatment of habit disorders, pain management, stress reduction, anxiety and depression.
I am fully certified in clinical Hypnosis by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH).
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Mindfulness/ Mind Body Connection
These types of therapy combine features of both cognitive and behavior therapy. ACT uses experiential acceptance and value directed behavior strategies to increase psychological resiliency and flexibility. Mindfulness skills help us to develop intentional regulation of attention and awareness to the present moment and a nonjudgmental acceptance of personal thoughts, self-evaluations, feelings and memories. By being aware and practicing acceptance of our present experience and distressing internal states, we learn how to step back from negative thoughts/emotions, so that we can commit to a course of behavior that is consistent with our personal values.
ACT and Mindfulness are effective in the treatment of anxiety, depression, addictions, chronic pain and improving self esteem.
Teletherapyis the online delivery of mental health therapy services via high-resolution, live video conferencing
Teletherapy, also known as online therapy, is therapy delivered through a virtual platform via a computer or phone. If you’ve ever used FaceTime or Skype, it’s essentially the same thing - except more secure and with a qualified therapist at the other end instead of a distant friend or relative.
Sessions are scheduled at an appropriate and suitable time and day for each party, who then log-in via an agreed, secure video platform. The therapist and client can see and hear each other in real-time during the session via the use of webcams and headsets. Through this virtual environment, we can interact with each other, and the therapist uses the same traditional techniques and activities that they would use in a face-to-face therapy session.
Teletherapy, it isn’t a one-size-fits-all method. Therapy is a deeply personal and individualized process, and what works for one won’t always work for another.